Public Consultation on Expansion — Solihull Sixth Form College

Public Consultation on Expansion

Proposal to expand Solihull Sixth Form College:

As part of the Government’s strategy to deal with the increased numbers of 16-19 students over the next decade, including in the local area, a capital fund has been set up to allow post-16 providers to bid for additional accommodation. Solihull Sixth Form College have made a bid of about £2 Million to build an additional 8 classroom block at the back of the campus.

The College has currently just over 2,500 students and has submitted a Capital Development bid of around £2 Million to central Government for 8 new classrooms so that the College could accommodate an additional 400 students to help alleviate the expected increase in student numbers over the next 5 years. This consultation aims to obtain feedback on these plans.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) predicts that the number of 16 and 17 year olds over the next 6 years in Birmingham will increase by about 11,000 and by 2,300 in Solihull.  If the College maintains its current market share, it would have to accommodate about 1,000 additional students and there will be a steady growth over the next 6 years to about 3,500 students.

This proposal will allow us to accommodate more students in order for them to benefit from the great teaching and learning at the College and for them to go into the high-level employment in the local industries or to higher education.  Currently over 85% of our students go to university, and most of the others go into local employment or apprenticeships.

Anyone wishing to discuss the proposal at the College in person can book a meeting on Tuesday 26 September and Wednesday 27 September (both between 5.00 and 7.00pm) by booking on Eventbrite.

Those unable to attend the meetings, but who wish to send an email about the consultation can do so by clicking here.

8 September 2023