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Sandra Shingler

Sandra shingler

Trust Governor

I am an accounting technician by profession and have worked in Finance with the Department of Education (DfE) since 2010. I am currently a Deputy Finance Business Partner for Academies and Maintained Schools in the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). I feel my experience as a Department for Education employee gives me an insight into education and financial funding within education settings. The DfE actively encourages staff to become Governors and I have their full support.

I was successfully elected as Parent Governor for the Local Governing Body at Solihull Sixth Form College in January 2019. As a parent of one former and one current Solihull Sixth Form College student, I speak to my children about their Sixth Form experience and pass on issues and praise from them to the LGB; which helps with governance and provides useful student feedback. I have enjoyed attending Local Governing Board (LGB) meetings as a Parent Governor and have reviewed board papers, challenged College Leaders, attended events in College and established productive working relationships with senior leaders and board members. I was therefore delighted to become a Trust Appointed Governor in January 2021 and to take on the important role of Safeguarding Link Governor.